Importance of Haqooq-ul Ibaad:


Importance of Haqooq-ul Ibaad:

 1.  Introduction


Haqooq Ul Ibaad is the duty we owe to humanity and there are rights of every soul. While Haqooq Allah includes; Tauheed, Salah, Soem, Zakat, Haj etc. 

2.      A Couple of References from Al-Quran              

Haqooq-ul Ibaad is as important as Haqooq Allah, but we often overlook its importance and feel that since we are saying our prayers etc. regularly all will remain well for us.  

3.    A Couple of References from Al-Quran:

“and do good to parents and to kindred, and orphans and the needy and speak good to people (Extract from; 2/83).

“and gives his dear wealth for love of Allah to kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for redeeming necks, and establishes prayer and pays poor due (Zakat); and the performer of their promises when make promise and the patients in tribulation and adversity and at time of crusade;- These are they, who proved truth of their talks and they are only Allah-fearing” (Extract from; 2/177).

4.    Haqooq Allah Along Haqooq-ul Ibaad:           

The extracts given above describe the importance of Haqooq-ul Ibaad and if we browse through both of these verses completely it will be amazing to notice that Allah SWT has firstly (not reproduced above) mentioned Haqooq Allah followed by Haqooq-ul Ibaad in the same verse.

5.    Time, Wealth, and Effort (TWE):           

 These (TWE) are the only three assets we all possess in this world. Of course, its quantum may differ from person to person. The real test is to sacrifice these advantages to acquire the blessings of Allah SWT. The aforementioned two verses adequately cover all three aspects i.e. giving time / making an effort for parents & patients and spending money on orphans and the needy.

6.    A Hadith:            

There is a hadith of when Prophet Muhammad SAW was asked, “Who is the best Muslim?” He replied, “He is the one from whose hand and tongue all Muslims are safe (Sahih Bukhari).

7.     Elaborating the Importance:           

 Once Prophet Muhammad SAW was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! A certain woman prays in the night, fasts in the day, does pious actions, and gives charity, but she injures and hurts her neighbors with her tongue.” The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There is no good in her. She will go to Fire.” The Sahaba said, “Another woman prays only the prescribed prayers and gives very little as charity and does not injure anyone. Her neighbors are happy with her attitude ” The Messenger of God said, “She is one of the people of Paradise.” [Bukhari in Al-Adabul Mufrad]

8.    Making Mockery of the Oppressed:                 

A financially, physically, and authoritatively weak person quickly becomes a victim in our society and oppressors usually make fun of such people. To take guidance from Al-Quran, we should remember the following lessons. “No doubt, the extravagants are the brothers of the Devils (Satan). And the devil is very ungrateful to his Lord” (17/27). “If you turn your face from them in seeking the mercy of your Lord for which you have hope, then speak to them a gentle word” (17/28).

9.    Five Rights on One Another:           

 Hazrat Abu Hurairah RAA mentions that the Messenger of Allah SAW said, "Every Muslim has five rights over another Muslim i.e. (i) reply to Salam, (ii) visit the sick, (iii) attend funerals (iv) accept invitations and (v) respond to the sneezer (Sahih Bukhari).

10.   Offer Relief to Humanity:              

Allah SWT says; “The poor-due (Zakat) is only for those who are poor and needy and those who collect it, and for those whose hearts are to be conciliated for Islam, and for the freeing of slaves, and for debtors, and for spending in the way of Allah and for the traveler. This has been ordained by Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise” (9/60).

A Humble Conclusion

The deficiencies of Haqooq Allah will be forgiven by Allah SWT upon asking for forgiveness, but faults of Haqooq-ul Ibaad can only be rectified if the person forgives us. May Allah SWT guide us to understand the importance of Haqooq-ul Ibaad, so that we may discharge our duties with the same fervor as we try to fulfill Haqooq Allah (Aameen).

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