Death is an undeniable reality faced by every creature


Death is an undeniable reality faced by every creature. It is not a termination of being but a translocation from this world to another world.

 Regarding death, the Qur’an says, 

Bountiful is He in Whose Hand is the Sovereignty and He is All-Able to do all things. Who created death and life so that He may test you that which of you is better in deed.” (Surah Al-Mulk) 

This verse explains the purpose of creation which exhibits the realities of both life and death. Existence is the essence of creation. If death had been an ending process, the word “khaliq” (creation) would not have been used. Death (maut), in reality, is the detachment of the spirit (rooh) from the body. Death is a phenomenon governed by the will and command of the Almighty Allah only. He is the Creator (Khaliq) of all things, and the Giver of life and death.  

The  Quran says 

Allah takes the spirits at the time of their death.” (Surah Az-Zumar) 

The Almighty has appointed angel Azrael and other angels to remove the spirits of creatures. 

Those whom the Angels cause to die while they are unjust to themselves.” (Surah an-Nahl)

 “Those whom the Angels cause to die in a good state, saying – Peace be on you, enter the garden (of Paradise) for what you did.” (Surah an-Nahl)

 The believers welcome their death as is a blessing from Allah. While for some death may come easily, for example in their sleep, for others, it can be a long process, full of suffering, both physical and psychological, especially, if a man has built his attachments to this world and not to the hereafter. In any case, the dying person remembers his sins and regrets but the time for action has already passed. 

And the stupor of death will come in truth that is what you were trying to escape.” (Surah Qaf) 

Certainly you were heedless of it, but now we have removed from you your veil, so your sight today is sharp” (Surah Qaf).

After the dead body is buried, the spirit returns and maintains relations with the body. At first the person faces two angels who are the grave inspectors and who ask the man about his faith and beliefs. When the spirit sees that the people are leaving, he knows that from now on it is destined to remain alone.

For a believer, their sight is a blessing from Allah but for a hypocrite or disbeliever, it is a sign of Allah’s wrath. From Death till Grave After the spirit is separated from the body, it lingers on the top for some time, witnesses the bath given to his body, and hears the voices of the people who have come to attend his funeral. After the dead body is buried, the spirit returns and maintains relations with the body. At first, the person faces two angels who are the grave inspectors and who ask the man about his faith and beliefs. When the spirit sees that the people are leaving, he knows that from now on it is destined to remain alone. 

It becomes restless and says 

Alas! Those children of mine whom I brought up with love and care have abandoned me. My only companions are my past deeds.” (Al-Qummi) 

The first glad tiding that a believer receives in the grave is 

Oh you who believe! Allah has forgiven your sins and the sins of those who attended your funeral.” (Al-Qummi) 

To Allah, we belong, and to Him is our return.” (Surah al-Baqarah)

It has been authentically related by Sayyidina Baraa bin Aazib (may Allah be pleased with him) that, the Prophet Mohammed (peace be and blessings be upon him) said; 

“When a believer is about to leave this world and is approaching the hereafter, angels from heaven come to him, their faces of pure white and shining like the sun. They have with them kafn (shroud for the deceased) and fragrance from Jannah (Paradise), they seat themselves at a distance where the eye can see. 

Then Malak al Mout (Angel of Death) comes and sits at his head and says: 

‘O soul who was content with the commands of Allah come out toward the forgiveness and mercies of Allah.” 

The soul leaves the body with ease like that of a water droplet dripping from a water bag, although outwardly you may witness a state other than this (that life comes out with difficulty). The difficulty is only on the physical body, and the Ruh (Soul) experiences ease.

The soul is then returned to the body in the grave (the barzakh*). *Barzakh: according to Islamic teachings is an intermediary stage between this life and another life in the Hereafter; it’s an interval between death and the Day of Resurrection. Allah says: “Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up.” 

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