Quranic Verses concerning Hidayat



  • various aspects relating to Guidance (Hidayathave been highlighted.
  • The inter-relationship between Guidance (Hidayatand successful fulfillment of the Objectives of Creation, has been revisited.
  • Ways and means of seeking Guidance (Hidayat), which is the surest way to succeed in this world and the hereafter, have been identified.
  • Destiny is in your own hands based on successful navigation in search of Guidance (Hidayat) has been explained.
  • The simple non-tortuous route to Guidance (Hidayat), being in easy reach, has been revisited.
  • Guidance (Hidayat), a safeguard against complete annihilation, has been explained.
  • Allah is the absolute owner of Guidance (Hidayat) and bestows it on anyone He wills. No one, not even prophets, messengers, and imams is capable of guiding anyone on their own.
  • Every soul is provided with unhindered opportunity to avail Guidance (Hidayat) at his own choosing
  • Allah has identified all the necessary tools and resources for individuals leading to His Guidance (Hidayat). The same has been made easy and workable for the true seekers.
  • Allah’s book (Quran), the Holy Prophet along with an uninterrupted Light of Guidance (The Holy Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt in continuity) have been identified as sufficient tools to seek His Guidance (Hidayat) and Mercy.
  • Quranic verses and references of the Guidance (Hidayat) have been highlighted.


    1. Introduction

    The list of Allah’s bounties to mankind could never be counted and remain beyond quantification: 

    > ” Then which of the bounties of your Lord will both of you (men and jinn) belie?”

    (Rahman-55: 13) 

    The minimum one could do is to acknowledge and confirm with deepest gratitude that ‘None of His bounties are denied’. The next step of mankind’s wish list remains to decipher the ‘Best’? he needs to ask the Lord (Omnipotent & Omniscient). In this regard, nothing could eclipse Guidance (Hidayat). The recipient may never again need anything beyond this world or the hereafter. 

    Quranic Verses concerning Hidayat (Guidance)

    The following Quranic verses have been arranged under the corresponding titles to simplify search and tracking. 

    Hidayat (Guidance) is from Allah: 

    > ” Allah is the light of heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as if it were a shining star, lit from a blessed tree, the olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil glows forth (of itself), though fire did not touch it, light upon light. Allah guides unto His light whomsoever He wills; and sets forth parables for people. Allah is aware of all things”

    (Nur-24: 35)



    (i) Allah is the inconceivable absolute who has created the light. Light is His manifestation. It is not His being. 

    (ii) If applied to any individual the niche is the power of expression and the ‘house’ (in which the niche is situated) is the body.

    (iii) If applied to the group of Ahlul Bayt and the prophets, the niche in the house is the Holy Prophet.

    (iv) ‘ Light-upon-light (Nur-un-ala-Nur)’ refers to the Holy Prophet and Ahlul Bayt (Ahzab-33: 33)

    > ” Thus did We reveal to you Our guidance by Our command . You did not know what the book was, nor the faith, but We made a light by which We guide whomsoever We will of Our servants. Verily you guide to the right path”

    (Shura-42: 52)

     The Holy Prophet did not learn anything from any mortal but was taught and educated by Allah.

    > ” Verily you can not guide whom you like; but Allah guides whomever He pleases; and He knows best those who follow guidance”

    (Qasas-28: 56) Mankind was one community; so Allah sent prophets as bearers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the book with truth so that it might judge between people in that which they differed, and none differed in it but the very (people) to whom it was given, after clear signs had come to them, revolting among themselves; whereupon Allah guided those who believed, by His Will, to the truth about which they differed; Allah guides whomever He wills to the right path”

    (Baqarah-2: 213)

     Identification of tools to secure Guidance (Hidayat)
    • Allah’s book (Quran): A Guidance and Mercy.
    • The holy Prophet: The delegated authority to channel Allah’s Guidance (Hidayat).
    • Identification of the Light by which Allah guides whomever He wills.
    • Such Light from Allah must be thoroughly purified being easily identifiable/accessible along with continuity.
    • None else comply with this description except the holy Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt including their twelve Imams in an intact chain (Ahzab-33: 33)
    Whom Allah does not Guide:

    > ” If your Lord had willed, verily those who are on earth would have believed, all of them, together. Will you then compel people (against their will) to become believers?

    (Yunus-10: 99)


  • Rastaa Seedhi Sarak Hey Ismay Kuchh Khatka Nahin

    (Only the ‘Straight Path’ is the Risk-Free Right Path)

    Koi Rehro Aaj Tak iss Ra’ah Mein Bhatka Nahin

    (No Seeker of this track has ever lost his Way) 

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