💖☀The Phrase of Surah Rahman- FABI AYYI ALA I RABBIKUMA TUKAZZIBAN IN ARABIC: فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

Surah Rahman is the 55th chapter of the Qur’an with 78 Ayaat- The most popular verse which is repeated 31 times throughout the 78 verses is the saying, fabi ayyi ala i rabbikuma tukazziban.- In today’s post, we will expound on the meaning of this phrase in detail.

Normal Translation & Why it Doesn’t Make Sense This phrase is normally translated as “So which of your lord’s name will you deny?” Whereas if you read all the ayahs of this surah, it does not talk about Na’mat only. For example, refer to the ayah no. 39 to 44 which talks about the habitants of hell on the day of judgment and the description of hell. How can these ayahs sandwiched between these phrases of fabi any ala I rabbikuma tukazziban talking about Allah’s favors or name or blessings? This translation does not make sense. Also, keep in mind that the same phrase is repeated 31 times in a 78-ayah surah, the translation and understanding of this phrase has to do justice to the depth of the meaning of this phrase- this phrase deserves a little more thinking and pondering.

The name of Allah as رب Rab is used in this phrase. Therefore, before we discuss the translation of the words in this phrase let's focus on the word Rab. The Quality of Rab is Rabobiat- the literal meaning of the word is Sustainer, Cherisher, Master, and/or “Nourisher”, and in that sense, a man is the “rabb” of his house. With the same root is the verb yurabbi, meaning “raise” (as in raising a child). Therefore, the quality of Rabobiat and Rabb covers a wide range of meanings basically nourishing, guiding, caring, designing, and fostering things in such a manner as to make them attain one condition after another until they reach their goal of completion/perfection. Thus, it conveys not only the idea of fostering, bringing up, or nourishing but also that of regulating, completing, accomplishing, cherishing, and providing sustenance- sustaining and bringing to maturity by the transition from one state to another, to that of the highest perfection.

The use of the word Rabb in this phrase has to be kept in mind defining the meanings of the word Rab as the name of Allah, the quality based on which Allah carries out Rabobiat for each and everything and this surah Rahman highlights the many aspects of this Rabobiat. Thus this quality of Rabobiat is highlighted times and times again in this Surah, illustrating that Allah not only creates but also takes care, nourishes, fosters, guides, cares, designs, raises, brings up, regulates, completes, accomplishes, cherishes, provides sustenance- sustains and brings to maturity- each and everything that exists in all the worlds across the entire universe, thus Allah being the Rab ul Aleemeen.

The phrase does not use the words Na’mat or Ayat, but the word used here is ءَالَآءِ Aala The next thing to notice and think and ponder is that in this phrase, the word Na’mat is not used by Allah and hence can not be translated as Blessings or favors as wrongly done in most translations. Another word that could have been used here would have been the word ‘Ayaat” meaning signs of Allah that could have better fit if we read all the ayahs of this surah instead of favors. But Allah has not used the word Ayaat as well. Instead, Allah has used the Aala ءَالَآءِ.

The word ءَالَآءِ Aala with the root word Alif Laam Wow….means to be lazy, to neglect your responsibilities towards someone, to ignore, to distance yourself from someone. For instance, in the Quran, the same word is used when the husband swears not to go near his wife. In this phrase therefore the word is used following Allah’s powers (Taaqat) & nature (Qudrat) which is the foundation of Allah’s Rabobiat.

Our Responsibilities Towards Allah’s Rabobiat- Please keep in mind the meaning of The word ءَالَآءِ Aala as neglecting one’s responsibilities towards, rejecting, ignoring, or being lazy towards one’s responsibilities. If we look at the use of the word ءَالَآءِ Aala with regards to Allah’s Rabobiat, we would realize that by highlighting all these aspects that Allah is highlighting in Surah Rahman, Allah wants us to utilize the God Given Faculties, our six senses including our intellect and reasoning, by exploring all these aspects of Allah’s Rabobiat, in seeking knowledge and then using this knowledge and wisdom for the benefits of the mankind and All of Allah’s creations. Additionally, by highlighting these aspects, Allah wants us to realize that each and everything is the result of Allah’s Rabobiat including ourselves, and hence we need to continuously remind ourselves, be humbled and grateful for Allah’s Rabobiat and the fact that we would be returned to the creator one day to be held accountable for all these responsibilities. We can not ignore these responsibilities as highlighted in this Surah times and times again through this phrase FABI AYYI ALA I RABBIKUMA TUKAZZIBAN IN ARABIC: فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

We would urge you to keep these meanings in mind and re-read Surah Rahman with each and every ayah, you would be amazed at how Allah’s Rabobiat is all-encompassing, w.r.t. each and every aspect and each and everything in this universe and how Allah times and times again ask us to pay attention, to seek knowledge, to explore, to be humble and grateful to Allah’s Rabobiat.

May Allah guide us all to the right path. Ameen

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