Means of Steadfastness: Standing Firm in Islam

Narrated by Tariq bin Shihab (رضي الله عنه) 

A Jew said to 'Umar, "O Chief of the Believers, if this verse: 'This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favors upon you, and have chosen for you, Islam as your religion.' (5.3) had been revealed upon us, we would have taken that day as an 'Id (festival) day." 'Umar said, "I know definitely on what day this Verse was revealed; it was revealed on the day of 'Arafat, on a Friday."


Narrated by Anas bin Malik (رضي الله عنه) 


He heard 'Umar speaking while standing on the pulpit of the Prophet in the morning (following the death of the Prophet) when the people had sworn allegiance to Abu Bakr. He said the Tashah-hud before Abu Bakr, and said, "Amma Ba'du (then after) Allah has chosen for his Apostle what is with Him (Paradise) rather than what is with you (the world). This is that Book (Quran) with which Allah guided your Apostle, so stick to it, for then you will be guided on the right path as Allah guided His Apostle with it."

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas (رضي الله عنه) 

The Prophet embraced me and said, "O Allah! Teach him (the knowledge of) the Book (Quran)."



Narrated by Abal Minhal (رضي الله عنه) 


Abu Barza said, "(O people!) Allah makes you self-sufficient or has raised you high with Islam and with Muhammad."


Narrated by Abdullah bin Dinar (رضي الله عنه) 


'Abdullah Bin 'Umar wrote to 'Abdul Malik bin Marwan, swearing allegiance to him: 'I swear allegiance to you in that I will listen and obey what is by the Laws of Allah and the Tradition of His Apostle as much as I can.'


Narrated by Said bin Al-Musaiyab (رضي الله عنه) 


Abu Huraira said that Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with 'Jawami-al-Kalim ' (the shortest expression with the widest meaning) and have been made victorious with awe (cast in my enemy's hearts), and while I was sleeping, I saw that the keys of the treasures of the world were placed in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures, or digging those treasures out." or said a similar sentence.


Narrated by Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) 


The Prophet said, "There was no prophet among the prophets but was given miracles because of which people had security or had belief, but what I was given was the Divine Inspiration which Allah revealed to me. So I hope my followers will be more than any other prophet on the Day of Resurrection."


Narrated by Abu Wail (رضي الله عنه) 


I sat with Shaiba in this Mosque (Al-Masjid-Al-Haram), and he said, "'Umar once sat beside me here as you are now sitting, and said, 'I feel like distributing all the gold and silver that are in it (i.e., the Ka'ba) among the Muslims'. I said, 'You cannot do that.' 'Umar said, 'Why?' I said, 'Your two (previous) companions (the Prophet and Abu Bakr) did not do it. 'Umar said, 'They are the two persons whom one must follow.'" (See Hadith No. 664, Vol. 2)


Narrated by Hudhaifa (رضي الله عنه) 


Allah's Apostle said to us, "Honesty descended from the Heavens and settled in the roots of the hearts of men (faithful believers), and then the Quran was revealed and the people read the Quran, (and learned it from it) and also learned it from the Sunna." The Quran and Sunna strengthened their (the faithful believers') honesty. (See Hadith No. 208)



Narrated by 'Abdullah (رضي الله عنه) 


The best talk (speech) is Allah's Book (Quran), and the best way is the way of Muhammad, and the worst matters are the heresies (those new things which are introduced into the religion), and whatever you have been promised will surely come to pass, and you cannot escape (it).


Narrated by Abu Huraira and Zaid bin Khalid (رضي الله عنه) 


We were with the Prophet when he said (to two men), "I shall judge between you according to Allah's Book (Laws)."


Narrated by Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) 


Allah's Apostle said, "All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who will refuse?" He said, "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it)."





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