Allah is AVENGER


- - بِسْÙ…ِ اللهِ الرَّØ­ْمنِ الرَّØ­ِيمِ -

 He gets revenge on the sinners by torturing them. Vengeance is the utmost degree of exemplary punishment and chastisement.

  • The Avenger; He who punishes wrongdoers; One who takes revenge.

  • Allah, the AVENGER breaks the tyrants’ backs and severely punishes those who are determined to commit sins; He gets revenge on the sinners by torturing them. Vengeance is the utmost degree of exemplary punishment and chastisement. Allah, Glory be to Him, says, 

  • “For God is Exalted in Power, the Lord of Retribution” (IBRAHIM, 47)“Verily from those who transgress We shall exact due Retribution”(SAJDA, 22)

  • “When at length they provoked Us, We exacted Retribution from them. (ZUKHRUF, 55)“..for repetition, God will exact from him the penalty. (MA’IDA, 98).

  • Vengeance is more severe than immediate punishment which does not enable the oppressive to indulge in disobedience or sins. Allah, The AVENGER, exacts retribution after giving respites, then He tortures the culprits and severely punishes the oppressive and this comes after threatening and warning them and after giving them all the means to repentance.

  • Allah revenges the highhanded tyrants only, He says, “..then, to those who transgressed We meted out Retribution.” (RUM, 47). Glory be to the AVENGER, the Doer of all that He intends, Praise and Glory be to Him, He is Allah.

  • "Therefore do not think Allah (to be One) failing in His promise to His prophets; surely Allah is Mighty, Lord of retribution" (Qur’an, 14:47).

    Al-Muntaqim, the Avenger, splits the spines of those who deviate from His path, And increases the penalty of those who oppress in the land, after alerting them and repeatedly warning them, and after enabling them to amend, giving them a respite. It implies a much more severe penalty than merely an immediate one.

    The word "al-Muntaqim" is derived from the noun intiqam, avenging or seeking revenge against someone. A penalty is not called as such unless the following conditions are met.

    "Therefore do not think Allah (to be One) failing in His promise to His prophets; surely Allah is Mighty, Lord of retribution" (Qur’an, 14:47).

    The One and Only One who has the right to exact vengeance. The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. The One who destroys them.

  • Al-Muntaqim intensifies His penalty against the oppressors, causing the criminals to be subjected to His retribution. He sends His messengers supported by His signs and miracles to warn people; so, if the warning does not benefit someone, He will surely then inflict His penalty and revenge against him.

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