Allah is king in the all world


💓Allah is king in the all world🧡
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "On the Day of Resurrection Allah will hold the whole earth and fold the heaven with His right hand and say, 'I am the King: where are the kings of the earth?" '

Allah is referred to as "King" five times in the Quran.

"He is Allah (God), besides Whom there is no god; the King…" (Quran 59:23)

"So exalted be Allah (God), the True King!" (Quran 20:114)

"…the King of humanity, the God of humanity." (Quran 114:2)

"Lo! The righteous will dwell among gardens and rivers, in the seat of honor with a Mighty King." (Quran 54:54-55)

In Arabic, the word for "owner" (mālik) is closely related to the word "king" (malik), the only difference being that "owner" is pronounced with an added stress on the letter a.  God is referred to by this related name "Owner" in other verses, including:

"Owner of Judgment Day." (Quran 1:4)

(Indeed, in some modes of reciting the Qur’an, the word is pronounced with an unstressed a so the verse reads: "King of Judgment Day.")

Also: "Say: O Allah (God)! Owner of Sovereignty!" (Quran 3:26)

Allah is "the owner of sovereignty".  Indeed, he is the King of Kings, since the lives and destinies of all earthly kings are in His hands.  It is as God says: "Blessed is He for whom sovereignty is in His hand." (Quran 67:1)  And thus He is the "True King" who has "sovereignty of the heavens and the Earth".

Allah’s sovereignty is absolute.  It has no limit.  "Human beings can be described as possessing "sovereignty", but theirs is transient and limited in scope.  We say that someone is the king of a particular country.  We likewise say that someone owns a field or a vehicle.  These types of sovereignty and ownership are limited in their timeframe – the duration of a person’s lifetime at most, often less – as well as in the scope of what is being possessed or being ruled.

All over the world, we can see artifacts and monuments left behind by past civilizations: mighty castles, great estates, the ruins of Egypt, Greece, and Rome.  They attest to those who once possessed great power but then passed on into the annals of history.  They held sway for some time over a part of the globe.  Then God decreed that their rule would come to an end.  Thus it becomes clear that true sovereignty belongs to God alone, whereas human sovereignty is fleeting and capricious, restricted, and incomplete. 

Who has ever possessed the entire world? People talk about people like Pharaoh, Nimrod, and Alexander the Great, but none of them were able to take possession of the whole world or bring all of humanity under their sway.  All who rule do so over a limited domain for a limited time.  God has made it the norm throughout the ages that nations, kings, and powers would contend with one another.  He says: "And if not God did not check one set of people employing another, the Earth would indeed be full of mischief: But God is full of bounty to all the worlds." (Quran 2:251)

No human being has ever possessed the whole of the Earth or has been able to govern all of its affairs.  Consider, then, how small a part the Earth is of God’s vast universe.

Allah, indeed, is the True King in every way.  He gives to His servants when they beseech Him, and Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, informs us that in Paradise, God will bestow "what no eye has yet seen, no ear ever heard, and no mind ever imagined."[1]

Moreover, Allah says: "And no soul knows what delights of the eye have been kept hidden in store from them as a reward for what they used to do." (Quran 32:17)

Also, Allah tells us in the Qur’an: "Say: O Allah (God)! Owner of Sovereignty! You give sovereignty unto whom You will, and You snatch sovereignty from whom You will.  You exalt whom You will, and You abase whom You will.  In Your hand is the good.  Lo! You can do all things.  You cause the night to pass into the day, and You cause the day to pass into the night.  And You bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living.  And You give sustenance to whom You choose, without measure." (Quran 3:26-27)

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