QURAN: With every hardship comes ease


  • 💝Goodness is Always Rewarded. ..💝.

The surah reassures prophet Muhammed (PBUH) that hardships don’t stay forever, and inevitably, ease comes after them {So, surely with hardship comes ease} (Ash-Sharh 94:5).

We usually think: that with every hardship comes ease. But this is not very accurate.

Allah says: “Verily, along with (the) hardship is a relief. Verily, along with (the) hardship is a relief.” [Ash-Sharh 94: 5-6]
Meaning, there is 1 hardship but with 2 reliefs. So, the correct understanding is: With every hardship, we get double the ease.

Look at the life of Prophet Yaqoob when he lost his son, Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon them all). Years and years later, he still did not give up & continued to put his trust in Allah. Then after that, his other son, Binyamin was taken away from him. His eldest son too could not return home. And on top of that, Prophet Yaqoob lost his eyesight because of his tremendous grief.

"Look at his unshaken faith! Despite everything that happened, Prophet Yaqoob knew from Allah that there was ‘Khair’ in them & advised them to never give up hope regarding the Mercy of Allah"



We know the ending of this story. Allah restored his eyesight & reunited him with all his sons including Prophet Yusuf, who was now a leader of Egypt, who helped in saving the lives of not just the people of Egypt, but the surrounding countries as well.
 And what did Prophet Yaqoob say in the end? “Did I not say to you: I know from Allah that which you know not?” [Yusuf 12:96] Meaning, did I not tell you that there was Khair in it?
Yet what did he say? “I only complain of my grief & sorrow to Allah & I know from Allah that which you know not. Oh, my sons! Go & enquire about Yusuf & his brother & never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy. Certainly, no one despairs of Allah’s Mercy, except the people who disbelieve.” [Yusuf 12:86-87].
Good times and bad times cycle through life just like day becomes night. I speak a lot about difficulties in life because everyone has internal struggles that they go through. During those moments it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"In these 2 verses of the Quran, Allah mentions that with every hardship and difficulty comes ease. He repeats this statement twice. This is a reminder that with every 1 hardship and difficulty comes two eases"


On the surface, this appears to be a contradiction that hardship should be accompanied by ease. The two are opposites. But the words “hardship with ease” instead of “ease after hardship” suggest that the era of ease is so close to the difficulty we are going through, that they accompany each other
Can you imagine how distraught the Prophet must be at this after so much preaching and calling to Tawhid, the people of Makkah still disbelieved him.
After all his effort, not much had changed.
Therefore, Allah revealed these Ayat, as a means of consolation and comfort!
And we see, people, laughed at Prophet and mocked him during the early days,
But He is now sent Millions of Salaams and Blessings every single day, while those same people are not remembered.

Why? Because after Hardship there is ease!

When we struggle to seek knowledge and try,
When you try to practice Islam,
An effort to call people to Islam,
Anything we do, that we struggle and sacrifice, Allah will make it easy for us in ways we do not expect.

"Any Hardship you go through, Any Struggle you go through, for the sake of Allah, you will be re-compensated for it in this world or in the hereafter"


And the best reward lies in the hereafter.

May Allah make us of those who are truly grateful, and open our eyes to the blessings we have been given; may Heal so make our hardships easier to deal with. 

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