
Dua means invocation - to call out - and is an act of supplication, meaning asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly. For Muslims, it is an act of worship in which we ask Allah for His forgiveness and mercy, to grant us His favors.

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, and from the punishment of Hell-fire, and the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the trial of the False Messiah. I depart with Allah's name, relying on Him. It is Allah who saves us from sins with His guidance (the ability to do so).

The first dua in the Quran is in the first chapter, that is, in surah Al Fatihah The verse is translated as show(guide) us to the straight path.

 One of the saints relates: "I was once in great sorrow and distress. My whole being was overcome with fear. In this distressed state, I took the road to Makkah; with no animal for conveyance, and without food. For three days I walked this in the desert. On the fourth day, I felt such extreme thirst that death seemed very near. There I was in the desert and nowhere around could a tree be seen where I could sit down in some shade. Feeling the approach of death I sat down in the direction of the Qibla. As I sat there, sleep overtook me and in a dream I saw a man coming towards me with his hands stretched out to me, saying: 

"Here take my hand." 

I stretched my hand and he shook hands with me. Then he spoke:

 "I have come to give you glad tidings; you shall perform Haj and return safe and sound, and you shall also visit the grave of Rasulullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam)." I asked:

 "Who are you?" He replied: "I am Khidhar." I said: "Pray for me." 

 He replied: "Recite these words three times."

 "O You who are Most Gracious to His Creatures;

 O You who knows the condition of His Creation;

 O You who are Aware of His Creation; Be Gracious to me; 

O You who are Gracious; You who are All-Knower; You who are Aware."

Then Hazrat Khidhar A.S. said: "This is a present to a medicine that will always suffice and be of benefit. Whenever you are in any trouble, recite this and your trouble will depart." Having said this he disappeared. Just then a voice called out to me: "O Shaikh! O Shaikh." When I heard this I woke up and saw someone on a camel. He asked me: "Did you not see a certain young man around here?" I replied: "No I did not see anyone like that." He said: "A young man of ours has left home seven days ago. We heard that he went to perform Haj. But where are you going?" I answered: "I go where Allah takes me." He made his camel sit. Then he gave me two pieces of bread with sweetmeat in between and some water. That filled me. We traveled for one day and two nights. Then we met a group of people traveling together. When we asked them about the young man we found that he was with them. My companions went to look for him and a short while later he came back with the youth he said to him; "Son, it is through the blessing of this man that I have found you." Then I separated from them and followed the caravan. Not long after this, I met the same man who gave me something wrapped in a piece of paper. He kissed my hand and departed. Inside I found five sovereigns with which I hired a camel and ate of it during the pilgrimage. After Haj I also visited Rasulullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) grave in Madinah and then the grave of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S and whenever I met with any distress or difficulty I recited the dua taught by Hazrat Khidhar A.S. It proved to be very beneficial and for all this, I am most grateful to Allah." (Rowdh)

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