History of Surah Yaseen


What is surah Yaseen about? | Quran Oasis

What is surah Yaseen about? In the glory and majesty of surah Yaseen( arabic:سورة يس ), we will begin to clarify what is in our minds and dive deeper into the meanings and virtues of this glorified surah. 

This is one of the surahs that came with a warning and proclamation for those who disbelieve of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and admonition for those who live in Allah’s blessings, and refuse ِAllah Monotheism.

The blessings of Allah that he bestowed over All mankind even the disbelievers and infidels, their souls and their offsprings, the sun’s creation, and its rule in our life although it’s billions of meters away, the following of the moon to the sun without disturbance.

 Allah is merciful for all humanity, and he gave his mercy to all his creatures in world life, but he also is the Almighty avenger who has the entire power to torture the disbelievers and infidels.

When was surah Yaseen revealed?

Surat Yaseen was revealed before the migration of the prophet, peace be upon him, and it was narrated that it was revealed after surat al jin and before surat al furqan.

Is surat yaseen makki or medani?

Surah Yassin was revealed in Mecca before the migration of the prophet peace be upon him, so it’s makki in place and time, that’s because the era before migration is called Makki and the era after the migration is called medani, and the only verse that was revealed in Madinah after the migration of the prophet peace be upon him was the verse number 45, and this was obvious through the characters of each verse.

The characters of the Makki verses (before migration):

  1. The shortness of the verses
  2. The beautiful, strong rhyming ends of the verses.
  3. Talking about the resurrection and the hour
  4. Call to worship Allah, the only God worthy to be worshiped
  5. The torments of the infidels
  6. The evidence of the singularity of Allah by mentioning the miracles of the creation.

How many ayat in surah Yaseen?

Sura Yaseen is chapter number 36 in the Quran, and its verses are 83 verses that were revealed in Mecca, the location of Yaseen surah in the Quran is in para 23, and the last Quarter of the Quran is called the Quarter of Yaseen.

What is surah Yaseen read for?

There are many sayings about the virtues of Surat Yaseen, but the Islamic scholars concurred that all those narrations do not belong to the prophet, peace be upon him, and we will mention some of those weak Hadith as a reminder and warning, that we can’t use those sayings.

  • “Everything has a heart and the heart of  the Quran is Yaseen
  • ” Whoever recites it continuously, then died, he died as a martyr”
  • “Yaseen is for what it was read for”

Those sayings are not authentic hadith, but there are many sayings about the companions and followers about the virtues of surah Yassine. Still, we should adhere to the authentic Sunnah and be limited with the sayings about the Prophet peace be upon him.

Although there are no true narrations about the virtues of Yaseen surah, while we are reading sura Yaseen we will find many lessons and benefits.

Benefits of surah Yaseen

Sura Yasin is full of lessons that will strengthen your faith, and recover your soul, here we will mention lessons and benefits of Yaseen surah:

  • Wise Quran

The Quran is the holy book of Islam, it’s the first legislation source for Muslims, Allah promised to preserve it, and he did, our deep Faith is that Quran is the words of Allah and the constitution of our life.

  • The messenger of righteousness

Muhammed, peace be upon him, was the last prophet and messenger that was sent to all mankind, his message didn’t end with his death, that he said in the authentic Hadith” I left to you what if you grasped it tightly you won’t lose way ever, the book of Allah, and my sunnah”.

  • The patience for the sake of Allah

Allah told us in surah Yassine, a story from the past eras, how the messengers of Allah were tortured, and although the believers knew how far they will be tormented, they were patient in their way of righteousness and called for the guidance of people to the way of monotheism, and even sacrifice their lives.

  • The importance of contemplation

This is inner worship that will strengthen your Faith, here deep thinking of the surrounded conclusive evidence, the absolute power of the Almighty Lord that appears all over the world, the glory of the creator that appears in all the creations that taught us to surrender to Allah, and admit our weakness and need to our Lord. 

  • Believing in the Hour

An hour or the last day, are the expressions of the ending of the world life and the beginning of the life after, we can’t reach our entire Faith of god without believing in them, the Hour is certain, and we don’t know it’s certainly time.

How to learn surah Yaseen easily?

Surat Yaseen is one of the chapters that has beautiful rhyming sounds that strike our ears and open the doors of our hearts and minds to understand and learn, so now we will mention some steps that could help you:

  1. Read the Tafseer of Yaseen surah more than one time.
  2. Divide surah into themes and learn each theme’s Tafseer.
  3. Listen to sheik that read Yaseen in a beautiful and accurate recitation.
  4. You could use a Mind map to make your journey easy.  

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Related Questions

Dua after surah Yaseen?

It wasn’t narrated about the holy prophet peace be upon him that he was saying a particular prayer after reciting Yaseen surah, but we should say, the companions and their followers said that the time after the Quran is one of the best times to say Dua.

 Why should you read surah Yaseen after fajr?

There is no authentic narration about reciting Surat Yaseen after Fajr, and the narrations about this are not true.

Summary of Surah Yaseen

Surah Yaseen is one of those chapters that will affect the ear, heart, and mind, beautiful in rhyming and deep in meaning, that will call your senses to attend in obedience.

This is a statement of the greatness of the creator and the weakness and blindness of the creatures, their first state, and their end, then their revival, the rule of the messengers and the sacrifices that they gave for the sake of Allah, and eventually the torments of the disbelievers and the rewards of the obedient.

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